Raising a Complaint

Raising a Complaint

Your Feedback

At Liberty we value your feedback. Whether it’s a compliment or a complaint, we are continuously seeking to learn from your experience and enhance our service. Similarly, if you have any suggestions or general feedback about our products, policies and procedures and what we could do better, we would like to hear from you.

What to do if you have a complaint

We understand that occasionally you may not be satisfied with our products or services and you may have a complaint. We take complaints seriously and have a process to help you if you wish to make a complaint or have a dispute managed.


Step 1. Please talk to us

Please contact your insurance advisor or the relevant staff member in the department concerned who may be able to resolve the matter for you. If they are unable to satisfy your concerns, they will refer the complaint to their supervisor or manager. If the manager cannot resolve the complaint, they will escalate it to our Internal Dispute Resolution area.


Step 2. Have your complaint reviewed by our Internal Dispute Resolution area

If you are unable to resolve your complaint, or if you are dissatisfied with the response you may ask for the matter to be escalated for an independent review in accordance with Liberty’s Internal Dispute Resolution Process.

You can email details of your complaint directly to us in writing at complaintsAP@libertyglobalgroup.com

If your concerns are complex we may ask you to put them in writing.

The Internal Dispute Resolution area will review your dispute and provide you with a decision usually within 21 business days*, provided all necessary information has been received and investigation is complete. If more time is required to investigate and respond we will contact you to advise you of an alternative timeframe and keep you informed of the progress.

*Please note the process and timeframes for any Claims related complaints will be provided by the Claims department.